
Our goal is for 100% of Class of 2025 families to participate in this incredible project - a beautiful multi-use deck and outdoor lounge.  
筹款总额 (通过5/20/2024): $262,072
感谢家长们的慷慨和参与, 爷爷奶奶, 以及2025届的学生们, 我们已经超过了250美元,2025级的礼物是1000马克. 还有更多的事情要做! 募集资金超过250美元,000 will help to further beautify the space and ensure that it is a fun and truly comfortable hangout spot for students.  

我们前面的两个班筹集了368,139美元(凯斯天井, 2024届毕业生)及221,763元(照亮山丘,2023届的同学们). 让我们看看我们能一起完成什么! 
Creating a student-centric space for community and togetherness
The Westminster Class Gift is an opportunity for families in the same form to come together and, 以纪念他们的孩子在威斯敏斯特度过的时光, collectively provide an impactful legacy gift to the school. 
The 2025级的礼物 will be an integral component of a multi-phase outdoor rec area project between 桨球场 and Jackson Hockey Rink. 具体地说,一个 beautiful multi-use deck and adjacent outdoor lounge area 学生可以在哪里表演, 放松, 做家庭作业, 播放音乐, 或者一起看一场户外电影. It will be a space where students can be together with their friends, 团队, 或者是为可能性和社区而上的课. 
Let’s help transform what is now an empty space into a community area for students to gather and forge friendships and memories beyond the classroom! 在6月30日前成功筹得2025年之奖助金, 2024年将允许这项工作在秋季完成, which means that our students can enjoy the project during their Sixth Form year while leaving an amazing legacy that our students can return to as proud Westminster alumni, and one that will enhance the student experience for generations of Martlets to come. 
Class of 2025, leave a transformational legacy at Westminster!
“Part of the ethos of Westminster is a joyful sense of play, a way of being together and creating community and camaraderie. We have been creating spaces that do just that - the Brock, 凯斯天井, 桨球场, 高尔夫模拟器. The multi-phase outdoor rec area is another inspirational space that would call students to community by introducing new opportunities for them to gather, 分享和游戏. The 2025级的礼物 in particular will transform a relatively empty space into one where students will just want to be, where they can both express and enjoy themselves in a multitude of ways and where we can celebrate that sense of play that we intentionally want to sustain, especially in this day and age as students are drawn more and more into their phones and social media.”

了解更多信息, 联系梅格·斯托克林, Director of Family Engagement and 给 at 860-408-3002 or mstoecklin@congtygulegend.net.



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